About Rochelle

Writer. Explorer. Learner.

I am a writer on a mission to create more joy in the world.

Throughout my career I wrote policy briefs, research reports, even a newspaper column and magazine articles. As a director with the National Conference of State Legislatures, I worked with elected officials and leading policy thinkers and walked the halls of state capitols and Washington, DC.

My world turned upside down when life handed me a cancer diagnosis with slim odds of survival. Going back to life and politics as “normal” was not an option. After reaching the two years cancer-free milestone, I gave up on normal and followed my wild dream to do more of what I loved and be more of who I am.

I dove into the neuroscience of change and personal transformation to understand how we form our habits and behavior patterns. I wanted to help others experience the freedom I experienced when I unlearned my self-sacrificing beliefs. I am now an internationally accredited coach helping others discover their superpowers and learn how to get out of their own way on their path to success.

author hiking
author photo

“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

What I Write About

I write about the insights I’ve gleaned, the books I’ve read, and the techniques I use to find peace and contentment in hopes of spreading some of that peace to the world around me. And I love a good story or adventure tale. You can find me on Medium.

Nature as Teacher

The mountains, rivers, lakes and canyons teach us much about life – and death – and finding beauty in all things.

person walking in sand dunes

Mind-Body Connection

Our brains and bodies are amazingly intricate and inextricably connected. I share what I know about trauma, burnout, and physical well-being.

Life Lessons and Powerful Questions

I’m not an expert on life, but she’s taught me a few things along the way. I share what I know and the questions I ask that lead to the answers.

Stories and Essays

Stories are the lenses through which we view the world. Writing stories is my way of unraveling the meaning of seemingly random memories.

Travel Tales

Exploring the beautiful landscapes of the world often include adventurous escapades and serendipitous encounters.

Tips and Tricks

Advice is not my go-to game, but sometimes I can’t help but offer some tips and tricks I’ve learned.

*All photos credit to my husband, Alan Fisser